Graeme Chapman - natural history photographer - ornithologist

Bird calls / bird song
Cinnamon Quail-thrush

Cinnamon Quail-thrushes inhabit the arid inland, mainly desert regions of eastern Australia. On the whole their song phrases are simple and made up of fewer notes than those of the Chestnut or Chestnut-breasted Quail-thrushes. To me they are also softer but this may be because they are harder to get close to in those wide open spaces. Sample 439-01 contains a single example of a song from Mt Lyndhurst in S.A. Note there are only about 5 notes in each phrase. Sample 439-02 is a different male, again from Mt Lyndhurst in S.A. - there is a Brown Songlark in the background. Sample 439-03 has two song variations taken at a different time at Mt.Lyndhurst (probably yet another bird). Sample 439-04 is from near Lake Pure just north of Nappa Merry in Queensland - two variations from the one male who was singing quite close to his mate sitting on eggs. 439-05 is from Mulka Station in S.A. The high-pitched calls and ticking sounds towards the end were given by a male who was actively pursuing a female (courting?).

439-01 Cinnamon Quail-thrush 062-390
439-02 Cinnamon Quail-thrush 066-001
439-03 Cinnamon Quail-thrush 101-350
439-04 Cinnamon Quail-thrush 126-250
439-05 Cinnamon Quail-thrush 062-290

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