Graeme Chapman - natural history photographer - ornithologist

Australian Birds

Red-browed Pardalote
Pardalotus rubricatus
(Viewing 4 of 8 photos)

Click to listen to sound samples The Red-browed Pardalote is essentially an inland species although in northern Australia it can be found in drier regions closer to the coast. The closest relative to the Red-browed Pardalote is the Spotted Pardalote which is widespread throughout temperate southern Australia (best clue are the spots on the crown of both species) . Unlike the Spotted Pardalote in which the sexes differ (yellow spots on crown of female, white in male), in the Red-browed Pardalote, the sexes are alike.

Red-browed Pardalotes mainly inhabit eucalypts and even out in the deserts where eucalypts are sometimes not common, the desert bloodwood, Corymbia terminalis is one of their favourite trees. They tunnel into an earthen bank to build their nest which is a cup-shaped structure of bark and fibres usually lined with grass. Male Red-browed Pardalotes spend a lot of time singing from high vantage points in their territories and this sound carries very well out in their open surroundings.(listen on sound page)

Photo: 570201

570201 ... Red-browed Pardalote.

Photo: 570202

570202 ... Male displaying to female.

Photo: 570203

570203 ... Red-browed Pardalote

Photo: 570204-D

570204-D ... Red-browed Pardalote

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