Graeme Chapman - natural history photographer - ornithologist

Australian Birds

Regent Honeyeater
Anthochaera phrygia
(Viewing 4 of 6 photos)

Click to listen to sound samples Regent honeyeaters are now classed as endangered, the total population estimated at between 500-1500 birds. There are historical records from the early 20th century of large irruptions of thousands of birds in some areas, generally coinciding with large scale flowering events. These days, Regent Honeyeaters appear to be partly nomadic and in some areas perhaps migratory, returning to breed in favoured areas year after year. These are usually places where certain eucalypts such as Yellow Box, Ironbark or White Box are flowering in sufficient numbers. In coastal regions during winter they are often found in areas where Swamp Mahogany is in flower.

Whilst nectar from flowering eucalypts is an important part of their diet, like other wattlebirds, Regent Honeyeaters also consume insects by both sallying to catch them in flight and also gleaning in foliage.

Photo: 603201

603201 ... Regent Honeyeater, male, Lake Burley Griffin, ACT.

Photo: 603203

603203 ... Regent Honeyeater, probable female. Females have a less-warty face.

Photo: 603204

603204 ... Regent Honeyeater

Photo: 603207

603207 ... Regent Honeyeater

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