Graeme Chapman - natural history photographer - ornithologist

Australian Birds

Golden-backed Honeyeater
Melithreptus gularis laetior
(Viewing 4 of 12 photos)

Click to listen to sound samples Once regarded as a full species, the Golden-backed Honeyeater is currently classed as a subspecies of the Black-chinned Honeyeater but the situation is not clear cut. This is discusssed in detail on pp.276-277 of The Directory of Australian Birds by Schodde and Mason. Typical Golden-backed Honeyeaters from far north Qld, N.T. and W.A. have bright yellow backs and yellowish-green orbital skin. They are also quite common, unlike their southern counterparts (Black-chinned Honeyeaters) which are now regarded as rare in many parts of southern Australia. Like most of the other members of the genus, they live in family groups and are one of our sociable species.

Photo: 581201

581201 ... Golden-backed Honeyeater

Photo: 581202

581202 ... Golden-backed Honeyeater

Photo: 581203

581203 ... Golden-backed Honeyeater from Qld

Photo: 581204

581204 ... Golden-backed Honeyeater from Drysdale River W.A with pure yellow orbital skin.

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